About Samantha

Samantha has been a Personal Trainer for over 22 years. She started off her own fitness journey at 17, then became an in home trainer, then went to a large corporate gym chain, then went out on her own 12 years ago to now owning her own building.

She took her sales experience from the many sales positions she had and over time learned how to implement it in the fitness industry. She stumbled upon a rude awakening when she started out in the large corporate gym, she could not sell any training – at all!

She loved fitness and had sold other things but she couldn’t get the people in front of her to make a decision and soon found that all of the “be backs”, weren’t coming back.

Samantha even called her husband in tears, after 10 consultations with no sales, telling him she just didn’t think she could make it in this industry. She was frustrated with the lack of concern so many seemed to have about their health and fitness and they just wouldn’t do anything about it.

Since Samantha is so passionate about helping people get healthy, this really bothered her because she knew she could help them if they would just take action.

Her husband said to her, “You have to stop caring about the money and start caring about the people.” Something clicked in her head at that moment and she has never looked back since. She sold the next 80% of the people she sat down with and took off running.

She set her eyes on the top personal trainer in the gym that was selling the most training in the gym she was in and decided she was going to beat those numbers, mostly because she knew she was a better trainer and she provided a better service. So why shouldn’t she do better?!

Within a few months, she was selling more personal training then not only the trainers in her gym, but in all 16 clubs of the franchise she worked for. She was breaking all of their records, selling more personal training then the company had seen before.

Then after 3 years, she decided she wanted to have her own environment for women that provided a more comfortable place for them to workout. She took a leap of faith and left the big box gym and went out on her own. First she rented space for a year in another personal training studio to then opening her own tiny 800 square foot studio.

It was humble beginnings for that place was nothing like the studio she has now. She has since upgraded 2 more times, going from the 800 square foot place to a 1300 square foot rented space to now owning her own building of 3754 square feet!

And this studio is on a lake, on acre of land in Florida.

Samantha still does all of the sales in her personal training studio just because she enjoys it. She has trained many other personal trainers and sales staff to close just as many people as she does, teaching them how to also really enjoy the whole sales process.

She has 7 trainers that work for her, including a manager that runs her Fit Body Boot Camp and who also does the sales for the boot camp. She has also trained her manager to close at least 80% of the people she meets with and her manager has become very confident in sales.

Samantha just got an email the other day stating the person she was working with in getting better at sales is now closing at 100% and that she has been studying everything Samantha has taught her about sales. To read a few testimonials --- click here.

She has taught personal training sales for over 14 years starting with instructing the other personal trainers in the large corporate gym she worked at, to helping many gym, studio and boot camp owners across the country, to speaking at Fitness Marketing guru Bedros Keuilian's Fitness Business Submit to 500 personal trainers to being a guest Sales Expert on the new reality TV show called Gym Rescue that aired on Spike TV August 10th with world renound champions Randy Couture and Frank Shamrock..

If you need to learn how to get better at selling personal training, then you need to work with Samantha. If you are not closing at least 70% of the consults you have and with big programs instead of just sessions, then you are losing money every day and you are not impacting as many people's lives.

She will transform your skills with sales which will in turn, transform your business and you will see an immediate increase in your revenue. If you really want to make it in this industry, you must learn how to convert prospects into clients....period. To have Samantha teach you or your sales staff to be a better closer, --- click here.