
“My sales person was struggling with closing new members- her closing percentage was down to about 40% and most of it was because she was letting people walk away with the “I need to think about it” excuse. So I had her talk to Samantha, as well as listen to a group coaching call with Samantha. When she started putting into practice everything Samantha taught her, my sales person’s ratio has increased to 70-80%, in just 2 or 3 months! Samantha is a pro at closing and I am so grateful she took the time to help us. She has helped improve my business tremendously by at least $10,000 per month extra, each month! Thank you Samantha!”

Stephanie Flynn
Fit Body Boot Camp Owner

“Samantha is Great!! She has so much passion in her voice and she truly has a gift, not only for sales but also for public speaking. It's always nice to get a refresher on closing since it is one of the most important parts of our business. Thank you so much Samantha for your Inspiration!!"

Brandon Roggow
Boot Camp Owner

“When I first started, I had never been in this industry before and felt overwhelmed with the process and procedures for I was unsure about the whole sales process. I didn’t understand why Samantha kept repeating the same tips and tactics and I kept thinking, ‘Why does she keep repeating the same things.' Now I realize that the tips she kept repeating were exactly true and once they clicked, now I repeat them every day too. I have gained so much knowledge and with that came confidence in sales. Now I am closing 81% of the consults and I see how getting to the core of the emotional reasons they are there, is a key aspect.”

Amber Brayfield

“I have applied everything Samantha taught me and I can’t believe how much it has helped me with sales. It has changed my entire business and helped my business grow to where it is now. I didn’t know anything about sales and now I feel like a pro from what she has taught me.”

Personal Trainer

“I was really struggling when I saw Samantha speak about sales at the Fitness Business Summit and that inspired me that I could do it too. She has helped me in my studio business tremendously in the past two months---I went from a loser to a closer with her help!

Before I worked with her, my close rate was really bad---about 30-40% and for whatever reason, I was just chicken to ask people to work with me. Samantha worked with me one-on-one on many different levels---helping me to create greater value in my boot camp, helping me to understand the role my own image projects when I speak to the potential client and then most importantly, helping me understand the dynamics of creating a sale and fine-tuning the way I do that.

Instead of fumbling around, feeling awkward and frankly greedy asking for money, I now feel confident that I can help my clients make the commitment to lose fat and get in shape—because really that’s what this is about.

After meeting with Samantha, I worked relentlessly with her materials---watching her videos, listening to her coaching audios and reading everything she gave me, over and over, and over. I practiced role playing---even if I had to play both sides, practiced my presentation and how I really wanted to show my clients that I could help them. We all know that you can’t get into shape in three weeks---you need 6 months to a year to do that. With Samantha’s help, I am now able to help my clients make the commitment to themselves to get what they want so desperately—to lose weight, get healthy and get into shape.

My studio is now thriving. I have been able to invest in more space, more trainers and more equipment. We are helping over a hundred people now instead of just a small handful. My close rate is now around 94%----and this is literally in less than two months. I am so grateful for her help—Samantha is so generous, but she’ll give it to you straight at the same time. I’m not sure where my business would have been headed two months ago but with what she has taught me, now I know it’s going straight to the top!”

Anna Larsen
Owner Idaho Falls Boot Camp and Personal Trainer

“Samantha's passion and excitement is contagious! I really needed this to help change my idea about sales and be able to understand that prospects are better with me than without me, which helped me find the drive and belief I needed in myself to close clients. She is Brilliant!!!”

Dr. Kristen Harvey
Gym Owner

“SAMANTHA ROCKS!! I used her techniques to sell an investor on why they should invest in my start up fitness company. I especially liked the "ask the question and shut up" it was a tough and a painful silence... but sure enough....the investor said yes! Samantha's techniques and energy are AWESOME!!!  And now from my success, I own TWO locations! She has really helped me get better at sales, closing more people, changing more people's lives."

Rebecca Tabbert
Fit Body Boot Camp Owner

You can be one of these testimonials too when you learn what Samantha will teach you. You will be shocked you did it any other way! Samantha will transform your skills with sales which will in turn, transform your business and you will see an immediate increase in your revenue. If you really want to make it in this industry, you must learn how to convert prospects into clients....period. To have Samantha teach you or your sales staff to be a better closer, --- click here.